Page dedicated to the "Tagliamento Libero" event, organized by Scuola Kayak Friuli and, a non-competitive descent of the Tagliamento for:
Reaffirm that the Tagliamento is a resource
Raise awareness of the naturalistic, cultural and landscape value of the middle course of the Tagliamento
Say a firm "NO" to works such as the foothills motorway and the Pinzano barrage
Ask the public administration to investigate solutions that protect the population of the lower course that respect the territory of the middle course
Excellent teaching to approach the world of kayaking. In addition to the competence, the passion is perceived and, of course, it is fun. Many tens of km of rivers and streams surround us, the school opens the doors to that world.
Professionalism and competence combined with a lot of sympathy have made the kayaking experience unique!! Highly recommended